• Won't do the whole backstory/excuse thing again but 48 y/o, 178cm, sedentary job, young kids etc etc. Topped out at around 100kg last summer before the self-care reboot was initiated.

    Started generic unfocussed lo-carb regime at the end of the summer hols with a goal of below 90kg. Managed to get down to 87kg before Christmas. Much rejoicing (and proudly strutting about in clothes i thought i'd never wear again). Good feels man.

    Although Christmas did feature a lot more party food, mainly: cheese, beer and salty snack treats, I didn't go totally bonkers and avoided mindless snackage on the most part. I did bulk back up to 88kg ish before NY but am currently at 87kg thanks in some part to a fucking horrendous bout of flu for the last week or so. Every cloud.

    My goal for this year is to get to get into a range between 82kg and 85kg and stay there. I also want to get some core strength back by cycling and swimming more.

    Totally agree with @Tenderloin on the having a handful of simple go-to meals that you know you enjoy and that work with your plans. Important to rotate the menu on the regular tho or you get sick of stuff.
