I went through a Hunter. S Thompson Phase around that age and thought the same of him. Never really read any Brett Easton Ellis before, so got a few of his books on ebay to read over christmas. Although i have since found a very old copy of Rules Of Attraction on my book shelves, so I must have already read it at some point in my youth!
Still not entirely sure what i make of Ellis, but may as well read the ones I bought.
I Just finished reading Less Than Zero, and am currently half way through The Rules Of Attraction.
I almost gave up half way through Less Than Zero, as it was just a bunch of spoiled rich kids doing too much coke and didnt really have a tangible plot, but glad i stuck it out as it really takes a turn towards the end. After finishing it i was thinking about how unexpectedly disturbing some of it was at the end, but then reminded myself that this is the guy who wrote American Psycho.