Just to call it out in case anyone missed it... as oat44 perfectly summarised it: by Sunday evening last, Polka_Dot held the tag in 16 UK cities, all at the same time. And started a few new bike tag games along the way. Stupendous. I'm still in shock.
his use of a Weinnman lever
Is that what they're called? I always thought of them as "old-fashioned brake levers like we used to have in 80s". You can be relied on to know the proper names of these things!
Brighton bike tag Facebook group?
there was a glasgow game on facebook; it didn’t reliably stay chronological
I'll consider anything if the forum completely dies / doesn't get replaced by Discord or whatever. But it sounds like the chronology problem with FB is a killer. Keep the ideas coming!
Re. the new tag... any ideas? Squash and I are stumped... can't even work out what we're looking at, let alone where it might be.
Just to call it out in case anyone missed it... as oat44 perfectly summarised it: by Sunday evening last, Polka_Dot held the tag in 16 UK cities, all at the same time. And started a few new bike tag games along the way. Stupendous. I'm still in shock.
Is that what they're called? I always thought of them as "old-fashioned brake levers like we used to have in 80s". You can be relied on to know the proper names of these things!
I'll consider anything if the forum completely dies / doesn't get replaced by Discord or whatever. But it sounds like the chronology problem with FB is a killer. Keep the ideas coming!
Re. the new tag... any ideas? Squash and I are stumped... can't even work out what we're looking at, let alone where it might be.