• I bought a 105 triple crank and chain set. In the pictures it was built up, when it arrived it was all in very nicely packaged and labelled parts.

    I find the correct manual and put it back together and there's no way there's a chain going on smallest ring as it sits too close to middle ring. I have taken it apart 3 times to check that I have the 3 rings in correct alignment and I'm pretty sure I do. Biggest is obvious because of drop pin, middle is less obvious but you point a little arrow whichever way (in this case dead away from the crank) and I think it's facing the right way because there's little collar things that the mating bolts fit inside. and smallest you can see where to line it up with a logo inside.

    Any thoughts?

    I haven't done it up too tightly or anything like that because it sits too close to the middle ring without even doing it up. It feels like it would need a spacer but nothing showing like that on exploded drawings
