Just to call it out in case anyone missed it... as oat44 perfectly summarised it: by Sunday evening last, Polka_Dot held the tag in 16 UK cities, all at the same time. And started a few new bike tag games along the way. Stupendous. I'm still in shock.
his use of a Weinnman lever
Is that what they're called? I always thought of them as "old-fashioned brake levers like we used to have in 80s". You can be relied on to know the proper names of these things!
Brighton bike tag Facebook group?
there was a glasgow game on facebook; it didn’t reliably stay chronologicalI'll consider anything if the forum completely dies / doesn't get replaced by Discord or whatever. But it sounds like the chronology problem with FB is a killer. Keep the ideas coming!
Re. the new tag... any ideas? Squash and I are stumped... can't even work out what we're looking at, let alone where it might be.
I don’t know if I’m more impressed by this polka dot customers will-travel-to-tag gusto or his use of a Weinnman lever on a modern bike. Either way, totally awesome.