• #2252
I have money to give. Take my order.
• #2253
would be up for some definitely =]
• #2254
I'd buy a t shirt!
• #2255
100% in for a shirt or 2
• #2256
Me too for 2 T-shirts
• #2257
I’d be in, was thinking about this last week, something with the old sharkpits design would be nice.
• #2258
If this gets off the ground, I know an excellent screen printer who's very reasonably priced. I'd be happy to ask for a quote and could potentially sort ordering/distribution if nobody else is keen to do it.
• #2259
Has anyone started a t shirt list?
If not:- Johnnettles2
- Johnnettles2
• #2260
2.EcuriePeril -
• #2261
2.EcuriePeril- returnofthestaff
- returnofthestaff
• #2262
- Johnnettles2
- EcuriePeril r
- eturnofthestaff
- crossedthread
- Johnnettles2
• #2263
Any pics of the old tees about? I've seen steal yr fkin bike & pukes on cock... both a bit NSFW for me but hey
- Johnnettles2
- EcuriePeril
- returnofthestaff
- crossedthread
- gojira54
- Johnnettles2
• #2264
Would love another airfix tshirt. I had to throw mine away a couple of years ago, it ended up with holes everywhere.
• #2265
- Johnnettles2
- EcuriePeril
- returnofthestaff
- crossedthread
- gojira54
- seamus
- Johnnettles2
• #2266
Think I'm down to 1 of the original designs - a reboot of the old designs would probably require that the original artists were happy wouldn't it?
• #2267
Kiskubai -
• #2268
Lahdelah*Medium please!!!
• #2269
You might want to add what size you want as well.
• #2270
Just an idea...
Could this shirt be a reminder of all the great threads that have been born, grown, and are soon to die, on this fine and unique forum !? We could pick a few that have given us the most enjoyment, and then get someone to design a mash-up of them under a banner of "LFGSS 2012-2025, look what you've missed". PS, 2012 was a best guess at the year this all started as the oldest post I can find is 13yrs.My thread nominations would be:
MGOOF : Modern groupset on old frame.
eBay and Craigslist finds. -
• #2271
Like one of those college hoodies where the year is made up of everyone’s name?
• #2272
Forum started in 2007
• #2273
Posts or threads?
Posts would give maximum, context-less in-joke impact. (Hello the lightweight wheel still avaible?) -
• #2274
EcuriePeril XXL
Lahdelah -
• #2275
I still have a bunch of NOS forum tshirts in storage.
When the forum is dust, they'll be going for £eleventymillions on ebay.
psyche! Fuck off, they're all mine!
I’m pretty sure @Velocio will still have the original design files backed up somewhere if there was enough interest in a reissue. But making sure there’s enough interest to dedicate the time to get them made and distributed might be the issue. But the improvement in internet shopfronts now may have made it easier to pre order them.