I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt if settling in, but April's only sleeping spot during the day is on our own bed despite a plethora of options for her. During the night she will sleep under on an old cricket bag, and has made the odd 3am attempt to jump up and join us
She comes down a bit and is engaging in a bit of play as expected - just sort of funny as May absolutely hated the thought of coming to the mezzanine
She's very welcoming of attention, but also very skittish at any sudden noise/movement. We'll allow this for now, but with any she realises there's a whole host of spaces downstairs that are even better when the sun comes out
I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt if settling in, but April's only sleeping spot during the day is on our own bed despite a plethora of options for her. During the night she will sleep under on an old cricket bag, and has made the odd 3am attempt to jump up and join us
She comes down a bit and is engaging in a bit of play as expected - just sort of funny as May absolutely hated the thought of coming to the mezzanine