Checking in at 82.9kg today. I had been at 80kg on the 16th, so hopefully the mince pies, Baileys and cheese over the past 3 weeks will quickly drop off. Arbitrary target of 75kg, but a real goal of maintaining ~78kg whilst improving body composition.
Commute excluding, I had been pretty dormant for most of '24 but started back at the gym 3x a week in August with a focus on free weights which I have been enjoying and maintaining. Plan is to continue this frequency, working cardio (erg rowing) back into my routine. I would love it [KevinKeegan.gif] to get back on the bike for longer rides, and it's a definite impetus to spend some money on it and get it working properly again.
Checking in at 82.9kg today. I had been at 80kg on the 16th, so hopefully the mince pies, Baileys and cheese over the past 3 weeks will quickly drop off. Arbitrary target of 75kg, but a real goal of maintaining ~78kg whilst improving body composition.
Commute excluding, I had been pretty dormant for most of '24 but started back at the gym 3x a week in August with a focus on free weights which I have been enjoying and maintaining. Plan is to continue this frequency, working cardio (erg rowing) back into my routine. I would love it [KevinKeegan.gif] to get back on the bike for longer rides, and it's a definite impetus to spend some money on it and get it working properly again.