• #3352
A helicopter would explain a lot. No way our national train service could be that efficient.
• #3353
The real explanation is that Polka_Dot just ping-pongs from city to city.
• #3354
On the other hand... is there a way for all bike tag games (e.g. London, Brighton, Norwich, Bristol and any other active ones) to carry on, even if LFGSS doesn't? Let's have that discussion.
Can it be continued on Discord? I'm presuming that you can post pictures on there? I have set myself up but haven't played with it much yet whilst we are still going here.
Obviously it does rely on people wishing to sign up to a new forum... -
• #3355
The real explanation is that Polka_Dot just ping-pongs from city to city
In the car. With the bike.
• #3356
Can it be continued on Discord?
I guess we're all in the figuring-out-the-future stage right now. If Discord is the eventual answer/outcome, I'll happily join. Let bike tag continue. It's too good to die. I hope that bike tag games and the forum as a wider entity remain conjoined.
• #3357
That was a reference to Polka Dot's habit of tagging ping-pong tables way back when in London. :)
• #3358
Old: Preston Park, with 165-167 Preston Road in sight
1 Attachment
• #3359
New: one B ike tag has been very close to this P lace before
1 Attachment
• #3360
now, just one–dangerously easy–tag left to get!
• #3361
• #3362
• #3363
I can’t make head nor tail of your new tag though.
The clue suggests the BP garage at the Vogue Gyratory on the Lewes Road. But I went down there this afternoon, got soaked, and couldn’t see anything like what you tagged.
• #3364
I have no clue, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the ground we are looking at. I could of course be completely wrong.
• #3365
BP Mill Rd? I thought it was the Sea at first though BP Brighton Pier?
• #3366
Has there been a tag “very close” to Mill Road though?
• #3367
Er not that I can remember but I was focusing on the the BP and the landscape after the one we tagged by Bear Rd not being the link
• #3368
What is PP🎾?
Is that very soft tennis? -
• #3369
Preston Park tennis courts next to the tag
• #3370
Now what did I mention about Polka Dot's former tagging habits above? :)
• #3371
I don’t know if I’m more impressed by this polka dot customers will-travel-to-tag gusto or his use of a Weinnman lever on a modern bike. Either way, totally awesome.
• #3372
Would anyone but up for a Brighton bike tag Facebook group? I’m not in favour of Facebook generally but have an account and it might even draw in more people to get involved
• #3373
there was a glasgow game on facebook; it didn’t reliably stay chronological
• #3374
I wouldn't get an account myself just for this purpose
• #3375
Just to call it out in case anyone missed it... as oat44 perfectly summarised it: by Sunday evening last, Polka_Dot held the tag in 16 UK cities, all at the same time. And started a few new bike tag games along the way. Stupendous. I'm still in shock.
his use of a Weinnman lever
Is that what they're called? I always thought of them as "old-fashioned brake levers like we used to have in 80s". You can be relied on to know the proper names of these things!
Brighton bike tag Facebook group?
there was a glasgow game on facebook; it didn’t reliably stay chronologicalI'll consider anything if the forum completely dies / doesn't get replaced by Discord or whatever. But it sounds like the chronology problem with FB is a killer. Keep the ideas coming!
Re. the new tag... any ideas? Squash and I are stumped... can't even work out what we're looking at, let alone where it might be.
I’m not saying they are connected, but I did notice a helicopter landing on the outskirts of the city today…