Let's not pretend that there wasn't an inference that she was white and racially motivated from a number of commentators on here. Which all went by without comment.
Exactly so.
Nick can get strung out and aggressive, but I think he has documented some of the challenges he has on here that might contribute to that at times. On balance I am usually interested in reading his contributions.
Let's not pretend that there wasn't an inference that she was white and racially motivated from a number of commentators on here.
That was the kneejerk reaction here and on social media. But there's also a great deal of racial prejudice in the UK between the south asian and afro caribbean communities.
If the mother is a Sikh her anger may be nothing to do with race but all about family honour, i.e. wanting her daughter to be a virgin until she marries another Sikh.
nick_h clearly needs some rest, as that escalated far too quickly.
Let's not pretend that there wasn't an inference that she was white and racially motivated from a number of commentators on here. Which all went by without comment.
For me the new there is a newsworthy element as I'd be very cautious of believing any naming on social media. Even more so if that name has any connotations of being a non-traditional "foreign sounding" name. It seems perfectly likely that right wing agitatiors would try and stoke division wherever they can. They have form.
I think it was an odious thing to do, but I also thoroughly dislike public shaming and any type of doxing that is now part and parcel of social media.