On the angled USB chat, years ago I was prepping for an everesting and wanted a cable that would charge a wahoo element on the go if needed.
After going through similar disappointment with right angle cables that didn't fit, someone (probably on here) gave me a tip about searching for drone or fpv parts.
I believe this is what I ordered, and it's still going strong today. I added some heat shrink in an attempt to cover the connections and make it water resistant.
On the angled USB chat, years ago I was prepping for an everesting and wanted a cable that would charge a wahoo element on the go if needed.
After going through similar disappointment with right angle cables that didn't fit, someone (probably on here) gave me a tip about searching for drone or fpv parts.
I believe this is what I ordered, and it's still going strong today. I added some heat shrink in an attempt to cover the connections and make it water resistant.
If that's not quite right for you, hopefully it helps you get on the right track with search terms.