Hi, you may find more specific answers to some of your issues in the Depression, Teetotalism and Parenting threads in Members Only. And you can share the woes of getting old in the middle-aged thread
I would say that successfully losing weight in 2022 massively improved my mental health. I think mainly because it proved to me that I was in some sort of control of at least part of my life.
Thanks. I've lurked and occasionally posted in all of those, but something about my personality, or at least my communication style, always seems to put me firmly on the outside of things.
While I'm at peace with it being too late in life to suddenly become a likeable or successful person, I do think I could realistically address my weight this year, and was sort of wondering specifically about the interaction of those factors and weight. If there was a 'maintaining a healthy weight despite being a fuck-up in every other aspect of life' thread, I'd be there, trust me :)
Haven't posted in 2024 version but if it's ok I might Join in here?
Weigh around 90kg, used to be more like 80kg, probably could/should be more like 70kg.
Issues affecting my ability to sensibly reduce/regulate my weight in no particular order:
Anyone dealing with some/all of that combo? Any tips?