All I’ve done is buy beer there and said hello/goodbye.
Don’t underestimate the simple fact that you when walk in there, you probably acknowledge the the fact that they’re even there and that they’re human beings, you probably smile at them genuinely when you greet them and that’s more than most people do. I see people all the time who view and treat local shop owners like they are dog shit.
So, so true.
I was just being silly, @slippers, that's a lovely gesture on their part. 🙏
I went to the local corner shop earlier and they gave me a box of chocolates as a new year gift. Never experienced anything like that before, and it feels so weird for a usually transactional place.
I left with a huge smile on my face and love that that there’s a glimpse of humanity and community. All I’ve done is buy beer there and said hello/goodbye.