@dsalmon Cowboy's stuff is excellent but 100% guide is spoiler-heavy content - I'm using it now to see what I missed out on.
When Sekiro first came out, I went in blind and am glad I did. It led to some serious wtf moments of surprise, lolz, and despair (anyone who's gotten far probably knows exactly what moments I'm referring to!) but way too many deaths for a FromSoftware game. I used some spoiler-free guides to help me get the prerequisites for the best endings too, but forgot how to play the game after a short trip abroad.
My current playthrough is going well considering how much bloody dragonrot I spread to the universe last time. Only one main, obligatory boss gave me a bit of trouble and one mini-boss gave me hell, again. I knew they would.
Lol @Sumo isn't wrong. Text can be cryptic just like any souls game. I guess I have too strong a familiarity that the shizzle actually makes sense.
I watch a lot of this mans videos and play throughs and he adores sekiro, so this and any of his other sekiro videos should be essential viewing (depending on how spoiler heavy you want to go), if you want to git gud!
Edit: forgot to include link
Here it is