I've managed to put a nasty chip in the downtube of my TCR. No idea how it happened but there was no collision - just carelessness. Most of it looks like just the paint has chipped off but there does seem to be some damage to the carbon in the corner as you can see from the photo.
Can anyone with more knowledge than me tell if this looks like something to be worried about? If it is, what are people's recommendations for repair? If I can avoid postage then all the better - I did see mention upthread of HQ Fibre who were in the area - are they still about?
I've managed to put a nasty chip in the downtube of my TCR. No idea how it happened but there was no collision - just carelessness. Most of it looks like just the paint has chipped off but there does seem to be some damage to the carbon in the corner as you can see from the photo.
Can anyone with more knowledge than me tell if this looks like something to be worried about? If it is, what are people's recommendations for repair? If I can avoid postage then all the better - I did see mention upthread of HQ Fibre who were in the area - are they still about?
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