• #127
A modern tragedy, the talbot/isen saga was.
• #130
The La Vita velo thread was funny. Just checked and was surprised to find they still have a website which is now a different kind of shit
• #132
Top top top level. The gift that keeps on giving. Hoping the couple in question join in soon
It’s the last gasp of dying civilisation
• #133
Another fantastic thread was: Asia on a tandem - I loved following that one.
• #135
Yeah, definitely one of my favourites. Made the wanderlust strike hard for me.
• #136
I also loved following the Transcontinental threads when skinny won and a couple of the previous years. Getting up everything morning and frantically trying to catch up with the tracker and work out what had happened was great fun.
• #137
Puffin - a 1937 Hillyard sailing yacht
Nice project and ongoing adventure -
• #139
April fool wasn't it? People flouncing in droves
• #141
What a gem of a thread that is, the Puffin one.
• #142
Foffa and the subsequent mocking…
• #143
Oh Teddy
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/161690/Paul Michel. Who I'm still not sure was an elaborate Tynan troll
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/141434/ -
• #144
Thank you thank thank you thank you
• #145
Ha yes that was it, Robyn Welch. Although Tynan's mock up of his copycat website isn't there anymore. I remember actual lolling at that
• #146
Looking back at a lot of these threads that we think are the greatest threads ever, like the baby blue pixie or Ed’s tire debacle, I now think they’re a bit bullying and gate keeper ish. They were hilarious at the time, but I’m not so sure nowadays.
• #147
It was acceptable in the noughties?
• #148
I see that the understanding of what constitutes bullying, micro aggressions etc has changed and standards of behaviour and language have evolved considerably.
There are things I have said in the past that I regret and would not do now. My awareness of issues has changed but I am also sure there are things we do now that will be considered questionable in years to come.
• #149
Most definitely. The forum has changed for the better. A lot of the old ‘funny’ threads are pretty cringe reading back
• #150
It felt wilder at the time and I think a lot of forums did, in-jokes, extreme time wasting, etc and so on. It felt like being in a pub all the time.
I’m not innocent and I’m not being all holy david millar about it either.
Just saw this one.... Yes.