Hello Neil - again- although what you have written is spot on, the matters have gone far past that point by now. We are looking at a couple who have had historic Court cases deferred/dismissed, on-going Court cases having to be re-convened, a case currently sisted in the highest civil Court in Scotland - the Court of Session. I could go on, but I hope that I can rely on you to share with other forum members why a Scottish railway station had to be shut, and remains so as we speak. Thanks.
Your not the first person to raise the same points and reach the same conclusion.
@M_V Gone in sixty seconds was a YT channel/user name. More recently renamed to uncovered.
I post on YT independently as @neil18201.There's quite a lot of people whom initially supported the couple in principle and tried to help. But unearthed more questions and evidence proving most of the mess is self inflicted.
Several people think it's all a scam, trying to con people and ransom the affected companies.
I think the couple originally had a valid dispute over the boundary they they purchased. A dispute which should have been taken up by their original solicitor with the land registry. However it seems any legal checks and advice may have been the bare minimum to do the transfer and give little come back. Now its far too late