• Yes, they need different kind of chemicals to be processed - the "normal" (colour negative) film's process is called C-41, the one for slide film (colour positive) is E-6.

    Most labs still do both, some only do C-41. For you it makes no difference, you just give them your exposed rolls of film and some monies, they develop it (and send you scans if you like).

  • Ah ha.
    Unbeknown to me, I had some high quality slide film developed at 'snappy snaps'as a Christmas present.!
    All the pictures look as if they have been poorly developed.
    They were returned like normal 35mm film, im sure they have used the wrong chemicals or something.?

  • Not sure what happened (would be easier to tell if you'd post some of the photos) - but yea, probably they just developed your slide film in C-41.
    Some people develop their film in the wrong chemicals deliberately, then its called "cross processing" / "x-pro" - and this usually gives very strong contrast and a shift in colours; often blues turn to cyan very much etc...

