True, but if anything, it's a good time to practice checking your assumptions.
If you're in a position where you're thinking that Velocio is stepping back and/or more likely to be otherwise occupied, it's surely a good time to attempt to verify your concerns where possible.
Will certainly be an interesting time here for the next few months!
Fairness would have involved checking that and asking for clarification, which is what I did as soon as I read the comment, not leaping straight to "OMG, Velocio is going to expose our PMs to the world."
True, but if anything, it's a good time to practice checking your assumptions.
If you're in a position where you're thinking that Velocio is stepping back and/or more likely to be otherwise occupied, it's surely a good time to attempt to verify your concerns where possible.
Will certainly be an interesting time here for the next few months!