No ones disagreeing with you about the streaming issue. I just find it odd that you think the solution is analogue.
More and more musicians might be going back to physical media, but it’s still a heavier burden to invest in that than digital music.
I still buy my music in digital form in high quality.
I neither have the space or inclination to store 10 tonnes of vinyl or CD’s@Samuelson this is fantastic. Thank you. To access it all from anywhere at anytime is wild!
No ones disagreeing with you about the streaming issue.
Well, I've got a mild issue with @Oliver Schick parodying hisself by insisting on referring to it as 'streaming'.
So, general consensus seems to be that there's no actual practical alternative to Spotify other than carving your own wax cylinders, which sucks.
No, record analogue and make analogue records. Forget digital, it's an evolutionary dead end for music. Fortunately, more and more musicians are realising this and there are now many more studios with analogue capabilities again.
I'm not a fan of CDs, but they are still better than 'streaming' services.