Unfortunately I've got an s24. But given everything else I own is apple now I might finally consider switching.
I've always just said I use the one that's best for me (Mac>>>PC apart from gaming, and android>>iPhone), but now I hardly use the customisation of android and don't root etc. the benefits are diminishing
There's awesome android phones as well, yet another argument for getting an iPhone (if you already have a mac) is how well the syncing works (photos & music, but also email, notes, contacts etc. - I'm finding it really convenient, and there are only very few hiccups in my experience).
Good to know thanks.
Unfortunately I've got an s24. But given everything else I own is apple now I might finally consider switching.
I've always just said I use the one that's best for me (Mac>>>PC apart from gaming, and android>>iPhone), but now I hardly use the customisation of android and don't root etc. the benefits are diminishing