Ice, Anna Kavan. Reminded me a bit of Ballard, but more dreamlike and hallucinatory. Which sounds fucking amazing when you put it that way, but it was a solid 7 out of 10. Good concept, occasionally strayed too far into confusing and weird.
Just had a chat with a friend about Iain Banks, and it occurred to me that I haven’t read Consider Phlebas since I was a teenager (so approx 4000000 years ago), so I’m gonna reread that now. if I can find it on the bookshelves,
Ice, Anna Kavan. Reminded me a bit of Ballard, but more dreamlike and hallucinatory. Which sounds fucking amazing when you put it that way, but it was a solid 7 out of 10. Good concept, occasionally strayed too far into confusing and weird.
Just had a chat with a friend about Iain Banks, and it occurred to me that I haven’t read Consider Phlebas since I was a teenager (so approx 4000000 years ago), so I’m gonna reread that now. if I can find it on the bookshelves,