Risk should be minimal if the forum assembles a team of moderators who just kill everything out of line with fire
I thought about this just this morning.
If some programmers have time you could build wide-scale community moderation.
If you've been on the forum longer than n time and have posted more than x times... you're on the moderation team
Anything reported creates a thread in a hidden forum, and a notification to all moderators something needs acting on
No single moderator can do anything, a consensus would have to emerge, i.e this protects against a bad moderator, and also means in the messy cases the majority opinion wins... this is a "vote for ban", "vote for delete", "vote for shadowban" type thing... whichever gets the most votes on some scale would be auto-applied
This kind of thing would mean you don't have to have one or two, or even 10, people be a moderator... you'd have hundreds immediately.
The tuning of "default actions after x time" would be something the site admin does to reduce the risk to Directors... but otherwise you could groupthink the moderation and diffuse it widely.
This sounds as if it could foster bullying and cliques in a way that would be hard to track but unpleasant to experience. A smaller, selected group of moderators can also indulge in some of that but at least they'd be accountable.
I thought about this just this morning.
If some programmers have time you could build wide-scale community moderation.
This kind of thing would mean you don't have to have one or two, or even 10, people be a moderator... you'd have hundreds immediately.
The tuning of "default actions after x time" would be something the site admin does to reduce the risk to Directors... but otherwise you could groupthink the moderation and diffuse it widely.