I do not wish to sound glib or facetious at all, but if you can afford to throw £50k at something just to scratch an itch that you don’t technically need to scratch, you could think about sponsoring someone who needs it but can’t afford it. No extra demands on your job and you’ll probably feel way better than doing it yourself if there’s no career benefit to you. I’m an associate lecturer and it terrifies me that the students I work with are spending that amount over three years when it’s clear that a big percentage of them probably won’t go on to get well paid jobs in that field because they simply don’t give enough of a fuck about the field, by the time they graduate at least.
I do not wish to sound glib or facetious at all, but if you can afford to throw £50k at something just to scratch an itch that you don’t technically need to scratch, you could think about sponsoring someone who needs it but can’t afford it. No extra demands on your job and you’ll probably feel way better than doing it yourself if there’s no career benefit to you. I’m an associate lecturer and it terrifies me that the students I work with are spending that amount over three years when it’s clear that a big percentage of them probably won’t go on to get well paid jobs in that field because they simply don’t give enough of a fuck about the field, by the time they graduate at least.