You're wrong on this. As soon as you get behind the wheel you need to be aware of what's around you the whole time until you're properly not driving. Temporarily stationary is still pretty fucking close to being able to squish some poor cunt because you suddenly look up and realise you shouldn't be stationary and haven't been paying attention to what's around you for the last 30 seconds. Even if that's a bit too hypothetical for you, all the cunts checking their phones when temporarily stationary are the same cunts who are thinking about and checking their phones when moving slowly, or on an open, straight road or killing pedestrians and cyclists, just easier to clock and shop when they're still.
Feel like kimmo is being hard done by in here but your argument is valid.
I’ve checked my phone when stationary so maybe I’m a cunt. (I definitely am). Question tho - should google maps driving directions / Waze etc be legal? Is checking your phone when stuck to your windscreen acceptable? That’s what every uber I’ve ever been in does. They don’t get out to accept a new job.
You can bust out all the hypotheticals you like, but what's the most distilled take on the responsibility of operating a motor vehicle?
The person in control of the dangerous equipment is responsible for controlling it - it's pretty fucken simple. Stuff like ensuring you have right of way, and that the way is clear, before you move off is absolutely fucking basic shit. We don't need a law against phones. We just need a law about paying enough attention to control the dangerous equipment.
I mean what the fuck. It doesn't need to be this hard.