There are smart consumer units but you don't want one, for usual internet-of-shit reasons - it'll tie you to a shitty app platform and you'll wake up one day in the not very distant future and find the manufacturer has decided your model is obsolete and unsupported and they'd like you to buy a new one.
Some regulations are starting to phase in Arc Fault detectors (AFDDs) in high risk buildings, which are supposed to detect arcs caused by loose wires or bad connections which is how some fires start. But they're expensive (£100/breaker) and from what I've seen
incredibly hard to trip, which makes them useless.
I'm getting a new consumer unit installed ahead of more electrical works next year. Is there anything I should know about consumer units or be specific with the electrician about beyond ensuring it has enough spare capacity for extra circuits?
From what I've read there's nothing revolutionary in the consumer unit marketplace beyond surge protection currently. I had thought about some kind of smart device that might give me stats on what's using what but I don't think that's really a thing yet and probably more sensible to do on sockets if we go down that route.