Interested in any anecdata people might have on having male hounds 'done'. Owen's an occasionally stressy adolescent (at the moment he seems to be on a 2-3 week cycle between dream dog and largely great but has a stressy few hours in the evening teenager), possibly hyper-social but plays really nicely with any dogs he encounters. He is generally a wonderful young dog and only getting better as he gets older. He does attract some ag from other male dogs (not just the cunty one), particularly smaller ones. Had assumed having him done would be a no-brainer, but the more you read the more confusing it becomes. Would love to know what others experiences have been. Also considering chemical castration, so any experience of that also appreciated. Cheers
Interested in any anecdata people might have on having male hounds 'done'. Owen's an occasionally stressy adolescent (at the moment he seems to be on a 2-3 week cycle between dream dog and largely great but has a stressy few hours in the evening teenager), possibly hyper-social but plays really nicely with any dogs he encounters. He is generally a wonderful young dog and only getting better as he gets older. He does attract some ag from other male dogs (not just the cunty one), particularly smaller ones. Had assumed having him done would be a no-brainer, but the more you read the more confusing it becomes. Would love to know what others experiences have been. Also considering chemical castration, so any experience of that also appreciated. Cheers