I probably need to know more about this too. Haven't been paying much attention to 7yo asking about Minecraft for his Kindle Fire- but my wife has heard something about it being bad (mostly about other players talking/messaging each other). For whatever reason (other parents let their kids play it) Robolox is allowed. A quick search would suggest this is exactly the opposite of the right decision based on the initial concern: https://brightchamps.com/blog/roblox-vs-minecraft-2022
So, I can only speak of Roblox and I don't think it's A) suitable - lots of FPS-type games, which admittedly are not exactly graphic, aren't thematically appropriate, nor is something I found him playing that was clearly based on The Last of US (!). And B) it's shite - buggy and slow. Don't know how he bears it a lot of the time. I did at least get a PS controller hooked up as it annoyed me having to watch him struggle.
Similarly, though, have been encouraging playing games together on PS4. It gets mentioned a lot, but It Takes Two is an absolute winner to play together. Others we enjoy together/taking turns have been Unravel, various Lego games, Tony Hawks, Spiderman, Overcooked, Driveclub, FIFA and Rayman.
Posting this up here as well as in mums and dads thread.
Missus wants to get Minecraft for jnr (6, will be 7 in April) they currently are playing janky free to play stuff on our Amazon fire stick and my missus’ iPhone.
I’ve got a ps5 (as you know) and have brought some games which I think they’ll enjoy, and have decent gameplay, without being too violent/shooter/fighting. Have also started the process of setting up a kids profile for them.
They’ve been nagging for Minecraft for a while, lots of their friends play it. Can someone give me a quick overview of it, and any potential pitfalls I should be looking to help them avoid in terms of online play, violent play etc?
Link to the version I’m thinking of getting for them