the antenna sockets in my mums block of flats had been disconnected from any kind of aerial a long time ago apparently when i asked the workman about it because she couldn't tune any of the channels when they swapped the broadcast signals around a few years ago in her area. she just makes do with what channels it can find now.
our house has no antenna as there was a rusted sky dish up when we moved in that we binned only to find out we can't get reception on an indoor antenna because apparently most modern windows have a film coating on them these days that block the signal. we just stream and download everything instead.
Our tv reception is crap. As I see it the bad reception might be the ancient, loosy goosy cable, or the ancient, equally slack socket, or internal wiring, or (we live on a council estate) wherever that cable goes after, presumably some kind of antenna for the block? we don’t have our own antenna/dish.
Given all these possibilities, is it worth me trying a new cable?
Can someone who has experience of council estate tv connections tell me I am wrong/right about my assumption about a block antenna? Many thanks!!! ps. This is not an invitation for people to tell me get fancy tv. We have freeview and are happy with the minimum, just not nothing 🤣