The new framing function on the S50 is great, makes the machine much more usable I think. This took an hour in not the clearest sky, I didn't realise how cloudy it had got by the end of the session. Straight out of the camera and a quick Photoshop Express edit attached.
I'm loving the look of the Vaonis Vespera II, looks like the logical next step for me after the S50.
The new framing function on the S50 is great, makes the machine much more usable I think. This took an hour in not the clearest sky, I didn't realise how cloudy it had got by the end of the session. Straight out of the camera and a quick Photoshop Express edit attached.
I'm loving the look of the Vaonis Vespera II, looks like the logical next step for me after the S50.
2 Attachments