A few random bits and bobs. Collection preferred from SE20, E20 or somewhere between on my commute. Can post if no interest locally.
First a Morvélo Gilet, in size medium. In good shape but some very, very mild discolouration on the collar due to sun cream. It is clean though! Nice bit of kit but just a bit too big for me (I'm definitely more of a small and this fits pretty true to size).
A few random bits and bobs. Collection preferred from SE20, E20 or somewhere between on my commute. Can post if no interest locally.
First a Morvélo Gilet, in size medium. In good shape but some very, very mild discolouration on the collar due to sun cream. It is clean though! Nice bit of kit but just a bit too big for me (I'm definitely more of a small and this fits pretty true to size).
£10 - SOLD
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