People forget how rough Spitalfields was in the 90s. I remember being dropped off there at 3am just next to the Hawksmoor Church, with hours to kill before the tubes started running again. It was absolutely brutal - I'd had no sleep, and it was freezing. It felt like Kings Cross but without the exhilarating sense of danger. Eventually one of the sex workers took pity on us and pointed us to an all night cafe, where we hung out with a pensioner until the sun rose, but it was utterly bleak. We were only 25 years away from the Spitalfields of David Granick and you really felt it. A world away from now https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/26CC/production/_100123990_hmp_eastendincolour_7_low.jpg.webp
Soul is an open ended concept so there’s no point looking for definitions.
Spitalfields is a good example, it’s not perfect but the project took a derelict part of London and turned it into something new without loosing the original essence of the space.