What kinds of rates would you be expecting to get, after tax, if you had £500k cash to invest for a 4 year period:
low-to-medium risk - this is not YOLO/FAFO money
Assume 40% income tax
Happy for up to 80% of it to be tied up for the full 4 years, but would like to keep 10% available at 1 years' notice and 10% available within 3 months
4% after tax?
Premium Bonds could gobble up £150k of it and give ~4.1% tax free and is almost instant access but that doesn't cover the whole lot.
Is there a specific date at which you'll need it (e.g. uni fees for kids or something) or is that just a rough timeline where you might move house or retire or whatever? Probably makes a difference as to what you do with it
Golf club fodder here but whatever...
What kinds of rates would you be expecting to get, after tax, if you had £500k cash to invest for a 4 year period:
4% after tax?
Premium Bonds could gobble up £150k of it and give ~4.1% tax free and is almost instant access but that doesn't cover the whole lot.