You're denying the MSM's increasingly obvious and desperate efforts to portray business as usual as the only possibility, which, incredibly enough the first time round, extend to sanewashing the likes of Trump. It drove me absolutely spare that they hadn't all started carrying on like Jonathan Pie, at least a little bit.
I didn't expect the talking heads to all start sounding like Owen Jones or Matt Taibbi, but the sheer absence of humanity allowed to escape the corporate blobs, rapidly colonising what's left of our excuse for a culture, was at least a bit surprising, and thoroughly demoralising.
I think Cory Doctorow was totally on the money when he said years and years ago, we don't have to wait for AI - it's been around for ages in the form of corporations. They ultimately don't answer to humans in any meaningful sense; they just relentlessly pursue their goal of profit while poisoning everything they touch, just like the thought experiment AI turning the world into trillions of paperclips.
This is how we get huge organisations devoted to making vast numbers of people ignorant enough to vote for an individual who so thoroughly and obviously epitomises almost everything profoundly wrong about us. Because money should be the measure of all things, and the saturated hues of plastic corporate branding have saturated our world to the point that tiny flecks of it are literally everywhere; from the dirt under our feet to the 0.2% of our actual fucking brains which is plastic now.
So yeah, deny with blessings.
I think that anything could generate loads more discussion on here (LFGSS being full of smart, politically active people) except that people seem to get irked at discussion getting to long or too serious unless it's in a dedicated thread. It doesn't take much for it to all kick off: just one person needs to say that the truth is very obviously X.
And I totally agree about your news filter, especially during a Trump presidency. I will wholeheartedly embrace anything that means I don't actually have to listen to the fanta-coloured wankstain actually speak. I don't know whether that's mentally healthy or Olympic levels of denial.