• #6827
Not the actual @DaveYates now on here?
• #6828
Any body know of a site like this one for Australia?
Wanting to sell to my special F Moser bike but seems complicated selling overseas -
• #6829
hi all, i am new here and Having just gotten into cycling and having bought a hybrid, i am now looking to get a "proper" roadbike (rather than trying to convert the flat to a drop handelbar...)
• #6830
Welcome to the world's friendliest cycle forun
Good luck
• #6831
Hi from Germany! I really like your forum. Hoping I can contribute as much to the community as I take.
• #6832
Hi all, I'm new here, my name is Abraham Yokoyama, I'm from Chicago, just wanted to introduce myself and wish you a great day!
• #6833
welcome and have a great time!
• #6834
Hello all, I'm new here. I'll be lurking around looking for parts and inspiration as I plan to put a fun bike together :)
• #6835
Hi all, just joined. Been cycling for a while and looking for somewhere for friendly bike-based and off-topic chat.
I have to confess however I don't (yet) have a fixed gear or single speed bike...
• #6836
Hiya, just joined look around for inspiration and see all the great build
• #6837
Hey guys, just joined and was looking around for item to buy.
on Classifieds thread, I noticed all posts are in recent reply order?
How would i see posts in recent posting order? all the posts i can see is all sold :( -
• #6838
I’m a new user here, and I’m honestly having trouble to understand how this forum works, I’m trying to sell a Bullitt cargo bike and would like to reach people who could interested.
Any advice ?
Thank you!
• #6839
This is where you can list complete bikes.
This is phone specific but: when you're on the that subforum if you click the button top right of your screen (mine has 3 dots, maybe yours looks different) and a side bar appears that says "post a conversation" best the top, you click that.
Then it's pretty obvious.
Put as much detail as possible, price, approx location, photos and then people will reply in thread or message you direct.
• #6840
This is the buy/sell thread for full bikes/frames. You can create a post by clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner
Might make sense to read the forum rules if you're new on here
If you need any more help let me know
Pop a wanted advert in here, you'll get more eyes on it.