Ukraine was given them last year so have probably used a few in anger in Russian-held Ukraine. No reports indicating they’ve been used inside pre-2014 Russia yet. Initial analyses suggest Ukraine might be saving some for Russia’s telegraphed strike to retake Kursk with 50k troops incl. Best Koreans. They could be very effective in disrupting troop movements and massing. There is the concern that Ukraine was given warheads with cluster munitions, which are controversial and additionally dangerous if they’re the ones used by the US in the Middle East (which spread hundreds of bomblets that wouldn’t all detonate until a civilian later nudged them).
Ukraine has previously been blocked from using any US munition to fire on Russian soil.
This meant that Putin/Shoigu could amass an attack force just over the border and Ukraine could not neutralise it until it crossed onto Ukraine territory.Any troop/equipment amassed within range of the ATACMS is now fair game.
The Ukraine/Russia border is now effectively 190km into Russia.
So ATACMS are given the green light. Anyone clued up about the impact it might have? Have they been used already? I've done some googling but can't find anything