I'm crap with the 'official' terminology, but guessing from your pic, it doesn't show you a second layer edge solve?
Yeah it's cool, but would've been nice if the tiles activated/deactivated a bit quicker, which would've triggered some haste in solving. Also for an official Rubik's cube, the quality is lacking slightly, though it's smoother to use than the bog standard cube.
Yes, that was the case. I'm contiuing to prompt it.
The summary wouldn't help a complete beginner know where the backwards L or Line should be positioned before moving, but I find that easier to picture & recall than the move sequences which remain a blur of letters for now hence this as a crib sheet rather than video re- watch & pause or long wordy explanation to scroll through.
Solving my memory is like a side-puzzle to go with the cube it seems.
^ it is missing a Layer 3 edges step I think.
I've got myself confused.
Edit It didn't give correct moves for last layer edges, I had to manually prompt.
Revised version mk2 (works if you know a couple of other bits aboit orientation):