I'd like to get my septum pierced. This will be the 3rd time. The other times I've lost the jewellery and had the hole heal up quicker than I can get a replacement in there (I had the same issue with my nostril, which I must have had pierced at least 5 times. I guess I'm a quick healer). Is there some sort of jewellery that is un-losable? I'm a big wuss so don't want to get it pierced again, only to lose the jewellery and have it heal again.
what sort of jewellery have you been losing? I've never lost a circular bar bell, for eg, but i lose the ball off the end of labret bars all the time coz i can't do it up as tight as the shop. septum isn't one ive had issues with in the same way, even though i fiddle with it far too much
I'd like to get my septum pierced. This will be the 3rd time. The other times I've lost the jewellery and had the hole heal up quicker than I can get a replacement in there (I had the same issue with my nostril, which I must have had pierced at least 5 times. I guess I'm a quick healer). Is there some sort of jewellery that is un-losable? I'm a big wuss so don't want to get it pierced again, only to lose the jewellery and have it heal again.