Blue Room and SOS might have something?
On that note (apologies for taking the cue...!), I'm looking to get myself a drone (the above DJI Mini 3 Pro from @CYOA didn't get any further unfortunately, not sure he's been on the forum since?) and would love to know if any such forums/communities with reliable enough classified sections exist for aerial filming/photography?
Obviously Black Friday coming soon, too, but with the 3 Pro being discontinued in the UK and the 4 Pro being quite a bit more expensive while not offering much more I feel like going second hand might well be the way forward...
There's a bunch of them on MPB in case you haven't checked there already - https://www.mpb.com/en-uk/product/dji-mini-3-pro
I'm after a Zoom F4, which has been discontinued a few years, they seem a bit scarce in the used sections I've searched.
I'm looking to pick up a secondhand field recorder. Are there any community forums with classified sections I should look in, or just stick with eBay?