Trump is extremely close to the zionist lobby and Israel. But I don't believe that even he would have allowed Netanyahu to do what he has done over the past year. I don't believe any previous president would have allowed it. Any president in possession of his own facilities would have stepped in and said stop.
Essentially, Trump could not have been more accommodating to Netanyahu than Biden has been. And if he had done what Biden has done there would have been a degree of opposition from the Dems.
There came a point when Biden was so bad that it was no longer credible to say Trump would be even worse.
If anyone thinks differently, I would genuinely like to understand what specifically Trump could have done that would have been worse.
The Democrats did do something wrong: Gaza.It cost them 12 million votes compared with 2020. These votes did not go to Trump. Trump's vote tally is almost identical to 2020. Lifelong Democrat voters protested Biden's failure to protect Gaza's civilians by simply not voting at all.