Trump is broadly flat (72.7m votes versus 74.2m in 2020), while Biden got 81m in 2020, versus Harris getting 68m.
The only explanation I've seen so far is from the people who believe there was fraud in 2020. I'm sure there will be other explanations along soon and I hope they are better as I wouldn't like that to be the most credible one.
I sent that suggestion as a joke to a friend yesterday, but still haven't seen a serious one replace it yet. Apparently the voter rolls were 6 million higher this time as well.
I'm really interested to see detailed demographic breakdowns when they are available. A quick scan says black, Latino and Asian voters were down as percentage of total voters.
I can't get my head around the fact that Trump is broadly flat (72.7m votes versus 74.2m in 2020), while Biden got 81m in 2020, versus Harris getting 68m.
I know there are some votes still to count, but it won't get the total votes cast anywhere near 2020. Turnout must be way down, but I can't find any accurate data on it. And it surprises me that turnout is down.