Front box worked with a 12" bike, with a 4-year-old and a 16" bike there's just not enough room especially in the winter with a cover on. The cover also makes strapping the bike to the side of the box a bit challenging.
FollowMe tandem seems a bit much for this use case, the bike is only hanging there a part of the way, the most practical commercial solution I've seen is the Bakkie bag https://bakkiecycles.fr/en.
I guess I'll try the current solution for a while and hopefully adjust and develop a bit at some point.
I found myself in a situation where I have to transport a child and his bike every morning to daycare. This is a solution I came up with during the weekend.
Based on the first try this morning it seems to work rather well. Bike stays where it should and doesn't move or make any noises. 3-point turns are most likely a pain. Will I die if I keep using this or should I change something?