Depends on where you're going, I worked for a good few years at decent coffee shops and of course frequently make coffee at home so can weigh in here.
This was before WDTs were common, but I imagine the quality of grinder reduces the need for them vs what you'd have at home.
I never bothered with levelling/sprung tampers and think they're a bit of a crutch to be honest, and when you're making 300+ shots per day, you get pretty consistent.
When it comes to weighing scales, this might get done a few times per day (and when initially dialling in) to keep track of the grinder setting changes (changing grind fineness and grind time means you don't keep direct track of dose), which are generally changed throughout as required. Mainly judged by keeping an eye on how the espresso is coming out, as well as a few taster shots to make sure things are staying on track.
But yeah, at home, I'll use a WDT because it helps with my grinder, as well as a spritz of water to mainly keep the area tidy.
In terms of milk-based drinks, I'm fairly sure I could make an equally good coffee with my home setup as a commercial one. When it comes to an espresso, the lack of being able to properly dial in a shot, as well as the reduced thermal stability of my home machine means it's less likely to be so consistent.
Given the prep that goes into good espress, surely buying espresso from a cafe is out of the question?
I can’t see them pissing about with distribution tools and level specific tampers and weighing scales.
Or is this all down to a decent barista and good beans and prep