In hindsight I’m not sure what I was doing. I was getting annoyed and maybe I was rotating it the wrong way. And I was possibly over torquing the p-axle/cage bolt. Anyway I’ve replaced the spring and the mashed up seal and it’s all together and I’ve wound it round and it’s all good.
However a few movements back and forth of the cage and it goes all tight again. So I back off the bolt and it’s nice and springy again. But again a few movements back and forth of the cage and it goes all tight. Moving the cage back and forth is tightening the p axle bolt. No idea why. I’ve taken it all apart, made sure it’s greased, backed off the clutch tension but the same thing keeps happening.
I should add that the mech is totally unused, so it’s not worn or full of dirt.
This doesn't compute - loading the spring is winding it up, not unwinding it. If you were winding it up and the end let go, it would have gone inside. It could only be poking out if you were trying to unwind it, right?