Slow to the temperature sensor chat, but I bought one of these and it kept dropping the connection then stopped sending data at all. I returned it so maybe I just got a bad one.
I'm currently using an Aqara temperature and humidity sensor connected to Home Assistant with ZigBee via a ConBee II with an IKEA Trådfri signal booster, because the sensor is in a Stevenson screen on our shed and my Raspberry Pi is under the eaves at the front of our house.
I've used the Aqara sensor for ages (it was under the eaves before, so no booster required) and highly recommend this setup, I'm got an Aqara switch too and will add more sensors when I get round to it.
I have normal non smart thermopro meters scattered around the house and they are good
For smart functionality and logging I have switchbot sensors which have been great but don't have a visual display