I've just moved into a new house, which has a huge hedge out the front - it's a mixture of a few plants - holly and some other things ( I don't know what they are - just different colours and leaves).
It's about six feet deep and overhangs the pavement by quite a lot. I'd like to cut it back quite heavily to the red line in the picture, but that would mean cutting all the leaves off, as I'd be removing right to the middle, where there's no greenery.
My question - would the green grow back in a reasonable timeframe if I trimmed it back this severely?
Yes, I agree - I think a decision on those lines might be taken in the future, but we've only just moved in and don't want to make largeish decisions just yet - for now it's quite good for privacy, hiding bike storage etc.
I love chopping stuff out, while my wife tends to prefer to conserve.
I've just moved into a new house, which has a huge hedge out the front - it's a mixture of a few plants - holly and some other things ( I don't know what they are - just different colours and leaves).
It's about six feet deep and overhangs the pavement by quite a lot. I'd like to cut it back quite heavily to the red line in the picture, but that would mean cutting all the leaves off, as I'd be removing right to the middle, where there's no greenery.
My question - would the green grow back in a reasonable timeframe if I trimmed it back this severely?