despite the reality that we're living through the most dramatic era of compressed change the planet has ever seen,
The dinosaurs might want to have a word about that.
Mate, no-one is in disagreement about the wider point that we're fucked if things plough on the way they are but there's two options, we make the planet uninhabitable for ourselves, get wiped out and ecosystems recover eventually (win for the planet) or we (through a combination of technology and social changes) find a way back from the brink.
Discussion is good but what do you expect to achieve by just screaming 'we're all doomed!'? Live a good live, try to enact change at a local level, push for parties/politicians that what to enact change, protest, raise your child to be a better person than you are, keep taking about change, but don't rant at people like you've been up all night on booze and whizz.
The sun will engulf the planet in a big firey death eventually anyway right?
Discussion is good but what do you expect to achieve by just screaming 'we're all doomed!'? Live a good live, try to enact change at a local level, push for parties/politicians that what to enact change, protest, raise your child to be a better person than you are, keep taking about change
Not sure if I expect to achieve it, but the intent is to make the point that such advice as you're offering there is an order of magnitude less drastic than the situation demands. The stakes and urgency are vast, so maybe we should be trying to think a bit further outside the box.
I feel like this viewpoint could use further debunking.
Anyone who's interested enough in science and psychology will have come across the notion that evolution has failed to equip us with much in the way of intuition for exponential phenomena; a large part of the scientific mindset is an abiding scepticism towards common-sense intuition, given how riddled our reasoning machine is with glucose-saving hacks developed to suit a largely pre-agricultural context.
If your intuition is to be worth a damn, you need to literally steep yourself in counterintuitive facts, and second-guessing your first thought should be second nature. A simplistic reasoning process whereby you assume doomsaying has to be mistaken because it's self-evidently always been mistaken in the past, displays motivated reasoning to my eye; it's cherry-picking.
On one hand, as snotty put it, a stopped Nostradamus is right twice a... millennium? Ie, sooner or later the end will come, without respect to the perspicacity of any contemporary doomsayers.
On the other though, is the fact we're sitting on the near-vertical slope of so many exponential curves. So many ecosystems wiped out in my lifetime. So many crucial parameters, drastically plummeting into a state of alarming decay. But hey, there's a cognitive bias or six helping me imagine that life will just continue on as before, despite the reality that we're living through the most dramatic era of compressed change the planet has ever seen, and that I have actually witnessed vast changes in our way of life, and only recently saw the house of cards given a serious poke by covid. Hard to ignore the fashion for ever more sheer emperor's clothing, though...
But never mind, she'll be right