Yeah, I've come across that Pollyanna line before.
I actually have a bunch of ideas regarding a way out of the mess, but they require discussion with folks on the same page to advance one iota...
'Cycling website' is perhaps a tad disingenuous; bike forums.net, for instance, locked their politics sub forum, probably because it's mostly yanks and you know how a lot of them roll. There's a pretty solid lefty slant here, so I thought maybe one or two folks might figure there's a better way forward than trying to enjoy the band under half a dozen swords of Damocles.
I never intended to become a dad, but here I am at fifty trying to kindle some hope from a bit of fluff I found in my pocket.
Yeah, I've come across that Pollyanna line before.
Yes, that's what people call me here. The relentlessly positive, cheery optimist who just wants everybody to be happy. Checks notes hang on, even the people who like me don't say that. Nor is this website full of such; most of the current affairs debate is grimly cynical, but...
I thought maybe one or two folks might figure there's a better way forward than trying to enjoy the band under half a dozen swords of Damocles.
Delusional millenarianism it is, then. Good luck with that. But then, as the messiah surrounded by fools, you're already in your happy space.
I actually have a bunch of ideas regarding a way out of the mess, but they require discussion with folks on the same page to advance one iota...
Snotty already summarised this more pithily, but millenarianism is nothing new. This doesn't mean we aren't facing an apocalyptic event, but is it decades away or a century or more? Will it be a catastrophe or a decline? Is radical change the only solution, or would that make it worse and incremental improvement lead somewhere better? Well, maybe start a thread on it. But while you're at it, consider the psychopathology of millenarianism, where people give themselves a messianic sense of self-importance by dismissing any other concerns as irrelevant and themselves as lone visionaries. Ask yourself if you're really that visionary, or just another asshole pissing on other people's real concerns to make yourself feel better. Because you're coming across as just another asshole.
Even if you're right, is telling people on a cycling website how trival their daily concerns are going to stop it, or just make you the asshole who made other people's last two decades of "civilised" life less pleasant?