Race Across Spain. I'm going to use it as a training ride as I've got friends in Valencia I keep meaning to see so it's a good opportunity. It's a solo trip but I could probably drive there in a day anyway.
I need to figure out how much time I'm wasting driving over flying tbh... if I could get a bit more time around Valencia that'd be better than spending it on the train
I've not heard of that. (or I have but I've forgotten)
It kinda looks like the first stage of the last Transiberica I did, going from Bilbao down to Mont Caro in Catalunya. Ends up a little further south, obvs.
This is why I usually end up flying. Most of the time the trains take way longer, don't take bikes without a fight and end up more expensive.
What's the event? Maybe you could do a van trip with a group?