Just in case it helps - I've got the 5000u. The stock strap is a bit softer than a regular one but, whilst it's probably a bit comfier than the standard, it's not so much as to make wearing the watch an completely different experience. Here's a link: https://www.watchway.co.uk/product-page/g-shock-band-10323536
I've actually got a set of the straps that I'm not using (see below) which i can flip on for a charity donation or something if you'd like?What did make a massive quality of life difference for me was putting it on the bracelet. But the bracelet is annoyingly expensive (and you've got to get different spring bars). Watchway do the bracelet and will sort you out with the bars, but you're looking at £70 or so, which would basically double the cost of your watch :(
thank you and also rickster. I have the watch now. I think it is maybe a return as the box has been opened and it is set to BST+1, but that is fine and I have a head start. I will check out the set up link @rickster sent. As for the strap you mention, yes I would like to experiment and will and send you a pm. A friend is doing a MND charity walk this month, so I can either give her an extra few quid, or direct some £ to you or wherever you wish.
OK thanks on both counts